Here’s the lowdown…
We love free stuff at Resolver, so the news that a free automatic compensation scheme for broadband users has launched is great for everyone. Before you get all excited though, it’s only for missed appointments and repair problems – not slow speeds. We’ve updated all our rights guides to reflect this!
Automatic compensation for broadband users goes live.
What would you do if you’d invested your savings in a regulated financial product only for the company to collapse – and you find out it wasn’t regulated at all. That’s the situation that thousands of people have found themselves in after LC&F sold products that broke the rules and were therefore ‘unregulated’ – leaving them out of pocket.
‘One of the biggest financial scandals around’: FCA criticised over LC&F’
Compensation unlikely for London Capital & Finance investors.
Top social media automaton and irony-free zone Mark Zuckerberg has asked for Governments to take responsibility and regulate his own product. More usefully, Facebook has started to reveal its algorithm secrets, allowing you to find out why some stories top your news feed – but more importantly why you’re being targeted with certain ads. So far, it’s not easy to complain about this though – why not let us know if you are struggling to make a Facebook complaint?
Facebook to reveal News Feed algorithm secrets.
Mark Zuckerberg asks governments to help control internet content.
It’s Spring – hurrah! Oh wait, today’s the day that all the bills go up – boooo! We’ve been working with loads of newspapers on stories about how to beat the price rises that are pushing our outgoings higher. Check out our article on the subject on the Resolver website too: https://www.resolver.co.uk/news/beat-the-bills
Households must act swiftly to tackle litany of price rises that will squeeze disposable income: https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-6867729/Households-act-swiftly-tackle-litany-price-rises-squeeze-disposable-income.html
Minimum wage rates rise, but bills go up too.
It’s often said that if an airline collapses, you might be able to claim on your travel insurance. But how many policies cover this? According to the Mail, less than half…
How to get travel insurance to protect against airline collapse.
We’ve been working closely with the Express to get more coverage in the paper, so it was great to contribute to this major article on energy price increases, featuring our tips on how to save some cash off your bills.
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