The Government has recalled thousands of Whirlpool machines!
This comes after warnings last year that the machines may have been responsible for hundreds of fires over 11 years.
Even if you’ve previously had a repair or modification made, your machine may still be risky! Watchdog have found cases of people’s repaired dryers exploding, so you should consider returning your dryer even if it has been repaired previously.
Your rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 say that any product or service you buy be safe and work properly – and the onus is on businesses to repair or replace them if they’re faulty.
If they don’t, you could be entitled to get some money back. If a retailer refuses to repair or replace a faulty product, you can take them to small claims court (provided you bought the faulty product within the last six years)!
If you’re still struggling, you may be able to consider making a claim under Section 75. Section 75 refers to a UK law that makes your credit provider liable if something goes wrong with a purchase. If you bought your machine on a credit card and it cost over £100, you could be able to claim your cash back from your card provider.
You should know that if you don’t take a product back after it has been recalled or refuse any repairs, you may not be able to make a claim for damages caused by the fault in the event that something does go wrong!
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