We recently launched comparison services in partnership with Quotezone as our comparison service provider – to help save YOU time and money!
We are starting with Car Insurance – but soon we will offer many more types of insurance including Home, Travel, Pets and more!
By clicking on the Compare quotes button on each relevant page you will be instantly redirected to the Resolver page on Quotezone and then, with just a few clicks you can compare policy prices. It is that simple!
Try our Car Insurance Comparison tool now – it is completely free!
Car Insurance Comparison ToolWe’ve been asking the 4 million people who have used the Resolver website what else we can do to help them save money, cut costs and get help.
Though people use Resolver as a way to resolve a complaint or get help with a problem with a business or organisation, many people use our guides, tips and advice to find out more about their rights and avoid long-standing and emerging problems.
In 2022, it’s clear that the cost-of-living crisis is the number one concern for the nation. So we’ve decided to offer a range of new services to help people find the best deals for them so they can save money as well as get help with problems. You’ll see some big changes to our website in the coming months as we launch a range of options for our regular users.
Absolutely not. Our core service for consumers will remain free. Forever.
Resolver isn’t becoming an insurer.
Resolver isn’t a comparison site. We are a one stop shop for all your consumer needs, from saving money to reaching out to businesses for help with a complaint. Our comparison and switching services are developed by our partner Quotezone which allows consumers to compare the quotes to find the right deals.
Resolver is a completely impartial complaint and problem solving service. We work with businesses and organisations with the sole objective of getting problems resolved quickly and easily.
We put you in touch with the business and help you structure your complaint so you stand the best chance of a positive resolution. Resolver is not a consumer advocate service – we’re here to help bring you together with the business to sort things out.
Want to know more? Go here for more information
Need to resolve an issue? Let's get this sorted.
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