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How Resolver helps students

(3/11/14) Ombudsman Services publishes a consumer rights guide for students

With a new cohort of students getting into the swing of their first term, the realisation that they have suddenly become responsible adults might just be dawning. 

For many, it will be the first time they have had to take charge of their own finances, paying their own accommodation, utility and other bills -and this can be a daunting prospect.

Fortunately for them, Ombudsman Services has created a handy PDF guide, available to all students, to help them understand their consumer rights.

Part of this involves suggesting Resolver as a helpful and free online complaints assistant, explaining to students that we can help them through the complaints process for more than 1,500 different companies and all key services.

Find out more about the Know Your Rights guide from Ombudsman Services by downloading it here

Or if you have a consumer issue of your own to raise, start the process via Resolver now

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